
Welcome to my professional development blog for The Melbourne Graduate School of Education: Masters of Teaching. I also have another blog that I completed for my previous course; Bachelor of Business: Information and Knowledge Management which can be found in the interesting links box.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Resource 4/Assignment 2 Submission - M & M Project

As my 4th resource and my mash-up for assignment 2 I have used a project that I had a year 7 ICT class complete during my placement. The basis of the assignment was for the individual students to complete a table and pie chart in Microsoft Excel as well as creating totals and averages for their tables.

The reason it is called the M & M Project is due to the data resource. To begin the class needs to be devided into 5 groups, this usually means 5 students per group. Each group is given a bag of M & M's and has to count how many of each colour of M & M's there are. This is then recorded for the rest of the class to view.

Each student then has to use the information to create their own spreadsheet/table and pie chart using excel.

This project worked really well with my year 7 class and was a great way to get to know the students more. I would suggest 2 to 3 periods/class to be set aside for this project as the students can take a long time to collect and organise the data.

This project is covered in VELS 5 standard for Creating:

"Students independently apply a range of processing skills, functions and equipment to solve problems and create products which contain minimal functional, typographical, formatting and readability errors. During the processing stage of collaborative work, students monitor project plans and record reasons for adjusting them." Vels 5 Standards

To enhance this project I have created a three part video.
While I did not use this video for the original project I feel that it could be used as a great resource for students who are unsure of how to completely use the features of excel. The video is a screen casting of a skype conversation (created by me) between a student and a teacher. The teacher is explaining the steps to completing the project while the student goes through the steps as it is explained. In the video the students computer screen can be viewed, thus the steps to the project can be seen as a moving image as well as text.

I see these videos being used to help students with certain aspects of the project, they may skip through parts of the videos to watch just one or two steps they are unsure of. It could also be used for an overseas student or a student that will not be in classes for an extended period of time but still needs to complete class work.

If I were to use these videos in a school setting it would most likely be posted on a class or subject wiki and then students would have to send/post their completed projects back to me in a private post thus covering another aspect of Vels 5 Standard for Communicating: "Students share their ideas through their blog, website or other public forums, which are correctly formatted, comply with ICT conventions and demonstrate an awareness of the characteristics that contribute to products meeting their purpose."

The example of the project in excel can be viewed on the LAIT wiki and my screen casting videos can be viewed below. To best view the videos the use of the full screen is suggested Enjoy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Friday, November 25, 2011

Resource 2 - Pokemon scratch game creation

Just a scratch game tutorial, 1 of 3 that has been created for more advanced users. It is a great way to get older students working on a scratch game that is much more in depth as well as most likely interesting as it involves Pokemon which most students will know even if they don't like it.

While I have not used this video in a class before I think it would be a useful tool to direct students to to give them inspiration towards their own scratch games.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Resource 1 - Toy Story Storyboarding Video

I used this for an animation class with year 7's. The task was for the students to create a storyboard and then from that storyboard to create the corrosponding animation using Microsoft powerpoint.

This is a great way to get the students interested in the task as most of them know and like Toy Story. I found that it was useful in showing the reasoning behind creating a storyboard before attempting the animation, some students like to just skip this step as they think it is pointless. While the video is almost 10 minutes long most of the important information is at the start of the video so not all of it has to be viewed if the class is short on time.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wiki Questions

What can a wiki be used for?

  • A repository/database of information
  • A collaborative tool in schools and business

How can a wiki be utalised in a school/class situation?

  • Wiki could be used as a discussion board between class regarding assignments and group work.
  • Maintaining a group wiki could be part of the course work for that class to teach online IT skills and team building exercises.
  • Could be used to upload class materials for students so that they are able to access handouts and assignment sheets at all times, at school and home.
  • Wiki could be a way for students to submit work. This may be a little complicated as each students work would have to be keep confidential and separated from their classmates.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Resource 3 - Scratch Game Tutorials

Though searching the web I found a number of tutorials for making games using Scratch. As I had never used scratch before I looked for a very basic tutorial to begin with to understand the structure of the program.

I found this helpful as a starting point. Scratch Basic

I then went on the search for videos on what games that can be created in scratch and how to complete them. I found the below video on describing the coding behind the simple Pacman example that is provided in scratch very useful.

I have yet to complete a game as it seems to be long process and I am deciding what I want it to be. I also found a video on creating a Pokemon game using scratch but after viewing a few tutorials I have come to the conclusion that it is too involved and time consuming to complete for this short homework assignment.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summary of work Assignment 3

As Shannon and I worked together on assignment 3 this post is designed to inform of our individual contributions towards the assignment.

For this assignment, as can be seen from my blog posts, I was in charge of creating the assessment for the unit, as well as some of the content. I also contributed to discussion held with Shannon about the assignment; what content to include, how to present the assignment ect.

Shannon contributed to the assignment by blogging about the main ideas of the unit, as well as some of the content. Shannon also contributed to discussions with me over what content to include, how to present the unit of work and what purpose was there to the unit, ect.

Below is the link to the summaritive post for assignment 3, created by both Shannon and myself.

Unit Plan

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Online Database Searching [Resource]

For this section of the unit we would attempt to cover searching through online databases. For use in this exercise we would be able to use the City of Greater Dandenong Libraries website as it has a host of different online databases that most other public libraries in Victoria has access to, and thus the patrons of those libraries have access to those databases.

Using online databases is a great tool for researching, and being able to find information from them is an important skill to have in the later years of study, or as can be seen from the online database that this post covers, if you are interested in newspapers and articles.

City of Greater Dandenong Libraries Online Databases

For the purposes of the unit we would be focusing on only one of the online databases. This database would be Press Display; an online database that enables the user to view newpaper articles from around the world, in their selected language.

This video would be a handy tool to use when demonstrating how to use press display, from finding the right newspaper to working with the advanced search tool.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reflection on the use of a blog as an online personal learning tool.

Since the start of the Melbourne University Semester I have been using a blog as an online learning tool/space. Through the use of this tool I have discovered that while it can at times be useful it can also be time consuming.

One of the main issues that I had with the blog software that I used for the duration of the assignment was adding links into the blog. Blogger does not offer a very user friendly tool for hosting other pages on the blog and outside sources have to be used to present the pages in a user friendly format. If I was not aware of this issue, or not able to work out the issues on my own I would not have been able to host other pages on my blog in the view that I wanted using other RSS feed software. From viewing other blogging software I have been able to determine that not all sites that host blogging software have as many issues in hosting RSS Feeds and if I was to ever need to create a blog that hosts RSS feeds again I would most likely not use blogger, but find another blogging site that hosts them more efficiently. 

Another of the issues that could arise from having an online learning space as a blog is the need to maintain regular posting. For some people this may be any issue; not having the time to continue posting or simply not having much that they would like to blog about. I found this to be the most challenging aspect of the blog.
On the positive side of using blogs as an online learning tool; it allows users to keep track of all that they have added to the blog, as a result information is not as easily lost, and the creator of the blog is always able to view previous posts and link ideas from different posts through the use of tags (tagging). 

Bloggers are able to connect with other blogs of a similar type or that they have an interest in, thus allowing for more scope in the level of knowledge and information they can obtain. Blogs also allow for users to blog about anything that they find interesting, and to organise the blog to whatever layout that they find the easiest to navigate. 

From my use of the online blog over the past few months I have also thought that it would make a excellent learning tool in schools for enhancing peer-to-peer learning. If students were to use a blog/s to communicate ideas for school projects and finishing assignments they would be able to use it to connect when they were at home or at school if they had a computer with an internet connection. This would mean that they would be able to communicate with their classmates in real time or over a long period of time using comments and blog posts no matter what distance there was between the students. This would also be very helpful to students who are overseas at the time and still need to complete the class assignments. 

From Williams and Jacobs (2004) stated that “blogs have the potential, at least, to be a truly transformational technology in that they provide students with a high level of autonomy while simultaneously providing opportunity for greater interaction with peers” This I could see as being a very important way of expanding student learning and increasing students interactions with each other as well as other in an online community. It is thought that through the use of blogs the intellectual quality of the students interactions would increase.
Ferdig and Trammell, 2004 believe that blogs are ideal spaces for students to make meaning and publish their reflections, thoughts and understandings for an authentic audience.
Blogs have become a place for many people to write down their thoughts on particular matters and feel safe about spreading their ideas to the wider community. They enable individuals and students to express their views, opinions and reflect on their work/practices.

Robertson 2011 states that one of the most important advantages of blogs in schools in the emphasis on self-directed learning. Due to the nature of blogs, posting content is all up to the owning individual and while comments can be made, most of the learning is done on an individual basis. It also allows for a greater use of reflective writing which can be referred back to at any time to improve information flow and the reflective process. 

As stated in Robertson 2011 “As well as providing opportunities to practise self-directed learning, the blogs enabled students to express their emotional experiences of learning and to exchange social and cognitive support with their peers. The emotional support of peers was valuable to the novice learners in this study and represents a useful strategy for enhancing the experience of first year students. The affordances of educational blogs could also be used for peer coaching of meta-cognitive skills”.

In conclusion, it can be seen that many individuals can see the benefits of using blogs as a personal learning tool/space. From my experience of the past semester I also see the benefits, but believe improvements need to be made along with teachers becoming more aware of the technology before they bring it into use in their classrooms. Self-directed learning is an important skill and if blogging is able to provide an environment in which students can self learn I will support that idea.

Ferdig and Trammell, 2004 R.E. Ferdig and K.D. Trammell, Content delivery in the “Blogosphere.”, Technological Horizons in Education Journal (2004) Retrieved from http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/articleprintversion.cfm?aid=4677.
Robertson J, 2011 “The educational affordances of blogs for self-directed learning”, Computers and Education, Vol. 57; Iss. 2; P. 1628-1644

Williams and Jacobs, 2004 J. Williams and J. Jacobs, Exploring the use of blogs as learning spaces in the higher education sector, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 20 (2) (2004), pp. 232–247.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Boolean Searching [Resource]

For one section of the unit the students will be learning about the uses of boolean searching and advanced searching techniques. Below are some links as to what could be covered under this part of the unit and one possible task that the students would be able to complete to confirm their understanding. 
Boolean searching is an important part of reseaching and should be taught to all students who will be doing any type of searching in future, whether just in VCE subjects or university classes. This part of the unit would also cover other forms of advanced searching such as the use of quotation marks/phrase searching and the different terms used in advanced search options in place of bollean terms as laid out in teacher resource 1 below.

Student Resources:
  1. http://learnline.cdu.edu.au/researchingskills/workshop2/techniques2.html
  2. http://bellevuecollege.edu/lmc/handouts/boolean.pdf

Teacher Resources:
  1. http://www.internettutorials.net/boolean.asp
  2. http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&guide=1221265&answer=136861&rd=1
  3. http://www.google.com/support/websearch/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&guide=1221265&answer=136861&rd=1

Assignment 3 - Assessment Plan/Timeline

As stated on Shannon's blog, she and I will be working together to create a unit of work for a year 10 level IT class.
For this post I will be adding our ideas towards the assessment for our unit of work that we are planning.

Before Learning Activities begin:
Students are expected to at least have basic ICT skills from previous years of study thus a short research test at the begining of the unit could be done to determine level of research skills of individual students. This test would cover basic searching using google or a similar search engine and have the students answering some simple questions using the selected search engine. The students could then be assessed by the level of research knowledge used when completing their searches, i.e. did they use the advanced search option, were they able to locate the correct information.

While students work on learning activities
For ongoing assessment of the students learning and researching capabilities each task that they complete would be assessed for completion and depth of understanding. Their progress would be monitored for the duration of the unit and qualitive questioning will be used to gather information on student's understand of the topic and tasks.

After Learning Activities End
For the final assessment of the unit the students will complete a final research task in which they will have to use the skills that they have learnt over the course of the unit to complete.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I completed my CPE on Monday the 6th of June in one of the afternoon sessions.

While I was very worried about it before I got there, once I started my talk I was able to relax and I felt that it went over very well. I know that I have come a long way since the beginning of this course in regards to public speaking and presenting. Due to all of the practice I have had standing in front of classrooms filled with school children and delivering a lesson. My confidence is much higher than it used to be.
Another reason that I think I was able to do my CPE well was due to my knowledge of the topic. For my interventionist practice I used theroists that I was familar with from my first assignment for LTP, this helped with my confidence and in preparing for the presentation.

The basic outline for my CPE was:

An advanced student in a year 7 IT class at a middle class South-Eastern Secondary College. I used Vygotsky's theory of social constructivisum to promote growth and learning for my student. For the language side of the interventionist practice I looked into visual literacy and digital storytelling through the creation of storyboards and powerpoint animations.

For the intervention I felt that it was a success on a basic level as the student was able to have work to do through each lesson that kept them learning and was able to make progress with social interactions between himself and his peers which he sometimes found difficult.

The slides that I used for the Presentation have been added below.

Presentation Slides

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Professional Placement Reflection

For the duration of my placement I was at a large public school in the South Eastern Suburbs.

While at my placement I had the opportunity to work with a year 7 class and a year 9 class. With both classes I was teaching basic IT skills. The project that the year 7 students were to be working on during my time at the school was creating animations using Microsoft Power Point. I was able to have a hand in designing the project for the year 7's and guiding them through the whole assignment.

When teaching the year 7's I found that it was a very enjoyable experience. The students were all mostly willing to do the work and were very interested in the subject. Some of the students were very advanced in the subject and were able to expand on the assignment task to extend their own learning.

The year 9 class that I taught I only had for 4 lessons. They were finishing off an assignment using Photoshop; creating posters for their favourite movie or game. While it was enjoyable I was not able to conect with the year nine students to the same level as with my class of year seven students as I did not teach them for as many lessons.
My mentor teacher was extremely helpful for the entire process and was able to provide me with tips and information for the best ways to deal with certain issues, students and to teach the different systems.
The entire experience was very interesting and I look forward to going back to my placement school in August.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lesson Plan Idea

I have decided what topic I will do my lesson plan on. It will be on the issue of Copyright and the impact of movie and music downloading.

I would make this lesson plan for a class of year ten students and would focus of the social and economic implications of free movie and music downloading.

I may start with a question to the class; "What is copyright?" or "who here has ever downloaded a movie or music before?" and then go into an explanation into what is copyright, or I may be able to find a short video that describes it.

I would then maybe either move the students into small group, or I may do it as a class discussion on what the students think the problems that downloading illegally may cause.

I would then finish with students either presenting their groups ideas to the class and giving feedback or getting them to write a short Argument as to whether or not they think that downloading is a good or bad thing using the ideas presented in the discussions.

This is only a preliminary idea, I will be making a more firm outline of the goals and tasks of the lesson later.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lesson plan

I still have yet to decide what to do my lesson plan on. Keeping the topic relevant to the students as well as covering the necessary requirements for the assignment is proving a little difficult for me. I think I will need to take more time to think about it.

I may ask my mentor teacher for some ideas for my lesson plan, she may have some suggestions on what issues in the uses of ICT could be related to the classroom. It is important to be able to relate in the topics back to the students as they learn better when the lessons relate back to their lives'. Once I have began observing some lessons I may acquire some ideas for this assignment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Professional Practise Placement Details

After a very long wait I now have my placement details and will be starting on the 18th of March

Site: Parkdale Secondary College
Address: Warren Road
Phone: 9580 6311
Principal: Greg McMahon
Student Teacher Coordinator: Theo Gidis
Mentor: Susanne Flavin

Placement: Master of Teaching (Secondary) Reduced Mode - Placement 1R
Start Date: Monday, February 14 2011

Areas: Information Technology

Teaching Fellow: Vincent La Ragy
Clinical Specialist: Katie Richardson

Monday, March 7, 2011

RSS Feeds and Content

Well, after working for almost 30 minutes I finally have a few working RSS feeds on my blog, working out which ones I wanted to add (what interests me and is beneficial to my professional development) and how I wanted them to look.

The Connecting Librarian feed that I have added I have been watching for sometime now, as I am interested more in becoming a teacher Librarian and not a straight out teacher I find that the blog has some interesting incites into the library world in which I already work.

Through the beginnings of my studies I have recognised that working in the library and teaching have many similarities. While in different settings, Libraries and the people that work there are seen to be care takers of knowledge and information for the public, and in doing so, at times must pass on and teach this information/knowledge to others when needed, much like teachers. This is one I am so enthusiastic about this degree; as I have already experienced many aspects of what is being discussed in my line of work.

For this blog on my professional development I am still a little at a loss of what to add. Page titles, subjects studied, professional practise, assignments, the list goes on. I believe that by the next class I will have had to decided on what pages to add and how I am going to organise my content. Until then, it is going to be a little messy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Layout and ideas

As this is such a quick set-up, I have not yet decided how best to work with the layout and the design so that the blog is easy to navigate and works well as a learning space.

While I have made blogs before I feel that this one will be more important to my learning as I will be investigating blogging more in depth and I think will remain active throughout this degree.

Connecting Librarian
