
Welcome to my professional development blog for The Melbourne Graduate School of Education: Masters of Teaching. I also have another blog that I completed for my previous course; Bachelor of Business: Information and Knowledge Management which can be found in the interesting links box.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lesson plan

I still have yet to decide what to do my lesson plan on. Keeping the topic relevant to the students as well as covering the necessary requirements for the assignment is proving a little difficult for me. I think I will need to take more time to think about it.

I may ask my mentor teacher for some ideas for my lesson plan, she may have some suggestions on what issues in the uses of ICT could be related to the classroom. It is important to be able to relate in the topics back to the students as they learn better when the lessons relate back to their lives'. Once I have began observing some lessons I may acquire some ideas for this assignment.

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