
Welcome to my professional development blog for The Melbourne Graduate School of Education: Masters of Teaching. I also have another blog that I completed for my previous course; Bachelor of Business: Information and Knowledge Management which can be found in the interesting links box.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Online Database Searching [Resource]

For this section of the unit we would attempt to cover searching through online databases. For use in this exercise we would be able to use the City of Greater Dandenong Libraries website as it has a host of different online databases that most other public libraries in Victoria has access to, and thus the patrons of those libraries have access to those databases.

Using online databases is a great tool for researching, and being able to find information from them is an important skill to have in the later years of study, or as can be seen from the online database that this post covers, if you are interested in newspapers and articles.

City of Greater Dandenong Libraries Online Databases

For the purposes of the unit we would be focusing on only one of the online databases. This database would be Press Display; an online database that enables the user to view newpaper articles from around the world, in their selected language.

This video would be a handy tool to use when demonstrating how to use press display, from finding the right newspaper to working with the advanced search tool.

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